It seems like a very long time since we last were in the USA. Last year, we flew over at the beginning of September and returned home in early December, so it's nearly a year since we were there.
It's been a waiting time for us - waiting to return to the US, waiting for a buyer for our house, waiting for our new grandchild to be born and waiting for our daughter to get back into the world of work after her return from her Round the World Trip. So I'll try to get you all up to speed on our events over the last year.
Our house went up for sale in the middle of January and there was a flurry of viewings, resulting in two very low offers, which we refused. Things have been very quiet since March and we then tried to get one of the offers raised as we were prepared to reduce. No joy. They were just not prepared to offer more and took their original offer away!! So back to the drawing board.
In the summer we decided that we had put our life on hold long enough and so we just got on with doing what we would normally do in the summer - spending time with family and travelling in our English caravan. We have just dropped the price of the house officially now and intend to let the agent do any showings while we are away, as our daughter, Helen, will be home and can keep the house tidy and ready for viewing!! Waiting, waiting,waiting!!
So our thoughts turned back to the USA once more and we decided to return on the 25th September through till the 8th December. It's seemed like for ever since we were there and we cannot wait to get back. We have missed all our friends and the travelling - exploring and seeing new things. Waiting, waiting,waiting!!
Our daughter returned home last December after a year of travelling round the world. She has been trying to find a permanent job, which has proved to be every difficult in the middle of this recession. She has been working for an agency and doing some supply teaching assistants jobs, but this is not what she really wants to do. Permanent jobs in her field seem very hard to come by. Waiting, waiting, waiting!!
Our middle son, Andrew and wife Marie are expecting our 5th grandchild in Guernsey. She had two dates - the 30th August and the 4th September - which is past now. But there doesn't seem any sign of this little one being born yet!! This is such a shame as Helen has been over there for a couple of weeks to help out - (hoping to be there when s/he arrives ) and is flying back home today! We are to fly over there in a weeks time for 5 nights in order to welcome the new baby - if it's come by then!!!! Waiting, waiting, waiting!!
So you can see how it's been a time of waiting for us.
Now we are in the throws of planning, organising and getting ready for our two trips - one to Guernsey and then one back to the USA. We are steadily working our way through all the nitty- gritty bits and pieces necessary to be ready in time. The list is now getting shorter, not longer as it was last week. Our phone to Guernsey has been red hot and the one to the US not far behind as we contact friends, check up on insurance, order parts to repair the trailer, book a hire car, sort out the mail etc. etc
Only a few more days and part of our time of waiting will be over and we can return to the country and folks that we love!!