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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Friday, April 26, 2013

April 26th Strictly for The Birds

Friday Today we drove the loop road: along the coast, inland along the Russian River, across to Bodega and back to Bodega bay. As usual the weather was overcast, misty and cold, so we did not waste much time on the coastal bit, as we had explored that on Thursday. We took the road inland and drove liesurely up the Russian River Valley, which was a very pretty run. We stopped in Guernville, but did not find it very attractive. Leaving the valley and heading south we passed through Occidental, which is a much prettier village. From there we continued south, stopping for lunch in the grounds of a country school, which is now a museum and park. Finally we arrived at Bodega and quickly found the main target of our day out - the school house used in The Birds. It is a very attractive building, made more so by its history. Right next to it is the Catholic Church which also can be seen in the film. The famous scene is when the children escape from the school house and run down the hill, past the church, to the safety of the houses on the sea front. The only problem is that the school house is about five miles from the sea! So all the shots of the children running taken from the side are from Bodega Town, but the shots taken behind the children showing them running down the hill were filmed in Bodega Bay. Then the different shots were edited together. By now the sun had come out in Bodega, however when we drove down the hill to Bodega Bay the sky was once more covered with cloud.

1 comment:


I didn't realise you were such a film buff! You must do a bit of research to find out where all these places are