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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

East into Empty Spaces on the Map

Hitched up the wagon and moved East. The problem with traveling, and I still haven’t learned the lesson, is that on the map, what looks like an empty space put there to separate two interesting places, which you just have to drive through, is in fact full of interest and beauty. As you drive through these empty spaces it has the rather depressing effect of making you realise that rather than passing through one should be spending time exploring and enjoying the views, history and culture of the area. However one then has to temper that with the knowledge that Arizona is 400 miles North to South and 300 miles from East to West and we have spent a maximum of 2 months in the State on four of our trips. Imagine trying to explore somewhere three times the size of England without leaving bits out, can’t be done.

One such area is the Mogollon Rim. It is actually the South West edge of the Colorado Plateau, which stretches from Kingman on the West border with California to the Eastern border with New Mexico. The countryside to the East of I17 and to the North of Phoenix is the part we are travelling through. It is best known to the citizens of Phoenix, who use it as an escape from the summer heat, as it is 6-7000ft up and about 20°f/10°C cooler. Expecting to drive right through we found that it was a very pretty landscape full of interest. It also passes through several National Forest areas, Tonto and Sitgreave being two. We had planned to stay in one of the Forest Service Campgrounds, only to find that they are still closed for the winter. Oops!, so we found a quiet forest track and puled up into the forest to spend the night. It was very quiet and free.

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