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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


We could have made it from Fort Laramie to the Black Hills of Dakota in one long hop, but decided that we would slide Eastwards a but to 'do' Nebraska. We would stay for one night in a place called Chadron. We discovered that there is a lot of prairie in Nebraska, we know because we drove through a lot of it, even though we only scraped at one corner of the state. On our way to Chadronwhile still in Wyoming, we stopped for a coffee at a place called Higher Grounds in Lusk, whre we met an English couple who were on a 5 day break from home! Arriving in Denver and driving to Mt Rushmore then South into Nebraska. Needless to say they were driving a white Mustang Convertible! Once into Nebraska we called in at Fort Robinson, this was the fort that replaced Fort Laramie and became the centre for keeping the peace around the Black Hills and West of them. It is also the place where Crazy Horse was killed (murdered?) on sept 5th 1877 while resisting being confined in a cell. He was fatally stabbed in the back by a bayonet.
Our overnight stay in Chadron was not particularly noteworthy. It has a Walmart, which we visited. We ate at a bar/grill, which was OK. We used the laundry on the campground to catch up on the washing.

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