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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Last Saguero

The Last Seguero
Time to move on. We shut up shop, packed up our bed roll bid farewell to Royal Palms and headed North, back to Krazy K RV Park. We had stayed there when we explored Sedona, only to find that we had not had enough time to explore everything, so we have returned.
On reaching the outskirts of Phoenix we stopped at Desert Donuts. We had stopped here on the way South and really enjoyed the place, we were not disappointed this time either. I forced myself to eat a caramel chocolate donut with my coffee. Sally helped my conscience by having a big bite, so we left quite happy really.
Driving North I felt quite heavy hearted as the realization hit that we were unlikely to visit Pheonix again. This was highlighted as we watched that symbol of the SouthWest, the Saguero Cactus, passing by on the roadside. They have a very specific habitat and as we moved North they began to thin out and the concept of 'The Last Saguero' was ever-present. So Sally started to take pics of these amazing plants, even though we have quite a few already. As we moved North and higher they thinned out and we felt the end was near.
Finally we pulled uphill from Black Canyon and there on the skyline stood a single Saguerro, standing on the borders of its domain, waving farewell to us as we climbed out of the desert region, which they cannot leave. We passed this lonely cactus, turned a bend and reached the top of the climb. We were now on the plateau and grassland, prickly pear, mesquite and creasote bushes took over, but alas no Seguero.
Unfortunately Sally did not get a pic of it, however, on looking on Street View I found a picture of it.

It was for us, indeed, the last Saguerro.

Click here to see the pics as a full screen slideshow, or if you have Android or Apple

1 comment:


Such a shame not a flower in site, you're leaving too early! I love their flowers. Happy travels x