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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Counting Down -11 days to go.

Our daughter, Helen, finally set off on Monday at 5am, with her friend Bryony, to travel round the world. They are in Las Vegas, travelling to Breckenridge, Colorado as I write this. Last week was hectic, to say the least, as Helen has a tendancy to pack at the last minute and we had our eldest son, wife and our two grand daughters staying till Saturday. Hectic, but lovely.
This week, we have been steadily working through all the things we need to do to prepare for our next trip. Terry is still out working - substitute/ supply teaching most days, so his evenings are very busy.
We are thankful that our friend John - a fellow Brit who travels in the States in his RV as we do - phoned a few days before Helen was due to leave. He wanted to chat to Terry about insurance in Florida and casually asked if we had applied for our Visa Waiver online. Apparently, the USA now require you to apply for your 90 day Visa Waiver online before you depart instead of filling in the form on the airplane and handing it in on arrival in the States. So we duly filled in the form for the three of us. Terry and I were accepted immediately, but Helen was told the decision was 'pending' as she was refused a visa last winter as she had not been out of the USA for 6 months before applying for her H2B visa to enable her to return to work in Breckenridge. She did get her visa a month later. We had to wait three days for a decision, worrying about what she could do if she was refused, until she was told it was approved. Thank goodness John phoned as we were totally unaware of the new rulings and we could have been refused entry on our arrival in the USA. The approval lasts for two years .
We are getting excited about returning to Florida and seeing all the wonderful friends we have made. We are also looking forward to some sunshine as our winters tend to be cold with short dark days - very dreary. We plan to take things easy for the first month, staying in Florida, as we are both still recovering from a nasty virus we picked up over Christmas, before we start sightseeing in other states.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

09 Spring - Going North to the South

Thank you to all of you people who have accompanied us on our travels this Fall, we have had a great time and we hope you have enjoyed reading about it.
Our next trip will be in the Spring. We have started a Blog for it.
We have called it 'Going North to the South'.
The web address is (that is zero nine at the front)
We hope you will join us there, we take off on 9th of February from Manchester Airport.

Letting you down

Oh Dear I have let people down.
I have neglectd to say anything about the final 3 weeks of our vacation.
Mind you I have now found out how many people do read the Blog, becaue a lot of people have come upo to me and said "ave you finishd the Blog yet, it seemed to just end without being completed", or similar.
It often happens this way.
After we left Amelia Island we drove to Connie and Jims, then on to Sertoma for the Thanksgiving Bluegrasss festiva, which was excellent.
We stayed at Sertoma for the following week and had a great time at the Soggy Bottom Christmas Party.
Then we took the Trailer back to Connie and Jims to store it for the winter.
On Wednesday 10th Dec we packed up and drov our hire car to Orlando Airport, where we boarded the plane. We had an uneventful fligjht back to Manchester.
When we arrived the only bit of e xcitment was that the car did not work adn we had to be taken back to Middlesbrough by Recovory Truck. The problem was a siezed alternator. Once that was fixed we were ready to go again.
Now we are planning our next road trip.
Thank you to all of you people who have accompanied us on our travels this Fall, we have had a great time and we hope you have enjoyed reading about it.

Here We Go Again

Well Howdy Folks,
Yep, we're almost on the road again.
We are just getting over Christmas and its time to start planning our next trip.
We hope that you will stop by this page every now and then to catch up with our adventures.