Yeehaa!! We went to our first Rodeo in Lake City. What a great night - ringside seats, funnel cake, flags waving, horses galloping, barrel racing, steer roping, bareback riding and bull riding, not forgetting the entertainment in between which was hilariously funny. Seeing cowboys in full 'uniform' of stetson, fancy shirt, chaps, cowboy boots, spurs and fancy belt buckles riding bucking horses, huge bulls, tackling steers and roping them up was one of the most exciting things we've seen for a long time. The bulls were massive and one poor man got bucked off and the bull came crashing down on him before he managed to get out of the way. Dangerous sport!! His mother was sitting next to us and had been very helpful explaining things. She was somewhat relieved when he got up, but distressed to see him limping heavily as he exited the arena. She very quickly went behind to see if he was alright. We hope he was. There was a comedian who was in the ring the whole time and was very funny telling jokes and dressing up. He was in a fat suit and tried to jump in a barrel only to get stuck and then shouted that something had popped!! His suit was deflated. The climax had sheepdogs herding sheep ( with very large horns) a bit like 'one man and his dog', but each dog had a live monkey riding on it's back, there was loud music (Ghost Riders in the Sky), loads of glitter, cheering and hollering. Hilarious! We both turned to each other and said "This could only happen in America". Terry was convulsed with laughter and Cathy was worried that he might have apoplexy! It was a very good night.
Check out the monkey video on You Tube
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