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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Preparations

Getting ready, DepartureWith only 8 days before we leave home, things are hotting up. We have a long list of things to do and are slowly working our way through them.

We have been a bit hampered because we both caught a virulent sickness bug while spending time with our whole family last week. Andrew and family flew over from Guernsey and we all stayed with our eldest son in Derby. It's the first time that our three children, wives and partners and grandchildren have been with us altogether for over a year. We had a very enjoyable time despite the bug affecting 5 of us and the flights being cancelled both ways, due to fog, for the Guernsey family. Being ill delayed our return home by a couple of days and neither of us are on top form.

We have travel insurance to renew and a myriad of other little things to do. Most of the shopping has been done and lists prepared. The tickets and bookings done on line need printing out. We need to call Connie and Jim and Jim and Kathy and also contact Charles in Dallas to let him know when we will be there to pick up our trailer. He has offered to show us the local sights in and around Dallas/Fort Worth. Exciting!!

We have a few appointments this week and Sally is catching up with friends to say goodbye for three months. We are glad our daughter, Helen, is staying at home to keep an eye on the place , sort out our mail, and prepare for any viewings on the house. We have had 4 offers on the house since it went up for sale but none of them have been enough to tempt us to sell. Fingers crossed the right person will come along and offer us a sensible amount instead of the very low amounts so far!! We had another viewing last evening but they still have their house to sell, so no joy there!

We are really looking forward to catching up with friends, making new ones and doing some sightseeing while travelling.

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