Latest news

In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Change for the Better?

A number of people have contacted us to say they cannot seem to view our blog, so I have tried a couple of things to help. One of them is to change the template I have been using, hence the change to the page layout.
On the activity front, yesteday was a rest day. After nearly two weeks of activity we tried very hard to do nothing, to the point where Sally said she was bored and I said 'Good, then relax some more'.
I was pleased to get some photos on to the blog, as we had really had a blast in Dallas and Fort Worth.
I could not believe the range of possible explanations for the assassination and the muck ups that happened subsequently. If they run the country like that no wonder the world is in deep do-do.

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