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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Burney Falls

We left Lassen Volcanic N.P. with the feeling that we had seen something quite special, as it dropped behind us we could still see the Peak, covered with snow. In front of us growing ever larger we could see the snow covered Mount Shasta, standing out white against the blue sky, still 65 miles away. We stopped at a Mom and Pop Cafe called J.J.'s in Old Station for a cup of tea/coffee and a homemade Blackberry Danish, very nice.
We were heading for a small State Park with a lake, water fall, and campground. As with Lassen Volcano, the water had been switched off in the campground, so we would still be using the tank of Emerald Lake water. The site was large and flat and our house batteries had recharged on the journey, so we were happy.
On Saturday we packed a lunch and set off to see the water fall. We were not disappointed as it is one of the most beautiful water falls tht we have seen. It drops about 100 ft, the main flow splitting into two streams as it flows over the sheer cliff of basalt lava. However for about 75 ft either side a curtain of water cascades from the rock itself, where the basalt sits on a layer of impervious rock. The water then drops into a wide pool, to drain into a river with steep sides and disappear towards the lake. The overall effect is very dramitc and beautiful.
We stood and looked for some time, then had our lunch there. Being adventurous we unshipped Sally's manual chair and walked down to the falls, which are as magnificent from below as from above, and then follwoed the river tothe lake, about a mile and a half away. I think this is the longest walk we have done with the manual chair (apart from trips round Walmart) and it was very enjoyable.
When we left Lassen Volcanic N.P. we were on our way to see friends in Weed, near Mt Shasta, so on Sunday we left the S.P. and drove on towards Weed.

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