Tuesday 1st July
On Tueday morning we packed up from the Hegerman RV Vilage and travelled on to our final stop for this trip. Chuck and Carla! We can look back now and know how wonderful these people are, but as we approached their house we did wonder what might be about to happen.
We had met Chuck and Carla in the parking lot at the overlook to the Grand Coulee Dam, where they had made he offer for us to stay with them before we put the rig into storage. They were total strangers and we had only talked for about 20 minutes.That was over a month ago, and here we were bowling up to their front door to camp on their front drive. Worse than that, we also wanted to use their carpet shampooer and then wash the rig! What a cheek! What if they disliked us? What if we disliked them!
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