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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

On to Fort Laramie

The forecast got it right and it was  lovely clear day and got away from Cheyenne really early. Although having been neatly caught in a timewarp called Chugwater, we still made good time driving over the endless prairies, those rolling grasslands, and made it to the Fort Laramie area by lunchtime. We had a choice of three campgrounds: The Guernsey State Park, which would be quiet,but had no water, the Guernsey Municipal Park, which was by the river, but had no dump station and the Chuck Wagon RV in Fort Laramie, which suspiciously had everything, including a train track, approximately 25 yards away. Still, it only a single track and it was a rural area and we knew the big trains all used the Union Pacific Railway back in Cheyenne.
We got nicely set up in a nice site, the sun was now shining, so we went to the first place on our itinerary - The Fort at Fort Laramie. we had a pleasant wander round there soaking up the history of how the army first of all came and explored the area, then in the 1840's and 50's gave support and protection to the emigrants on the Oregon Trail, as they rested by the North Platte and then tried to cross it. The in the 1860'/ 70's/80's and 90's worked hard at controlling and then exterminating the Indian population.
Then we went back to the trailer in time for tea.



we stayed at Guernsey SP beside the river, lovely. Is it just my laptop that is showing adverts in with your photos? I thought at first you were taking some odd pics! So pleased weather has improved - long may it continue xx

fastrak100 said...

Shouldn't be, but who can tell these days. Now that we have gone over to flickr it may be different. Tell me more if you have the time. On our way to Custer today. Thanks T