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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Lake Lyman to Zuni

At this point I was concerned that in crossing from Arizona to New Mexico we may, or may not be crossing a time zone. Since it would be losing an hour we played safe and put our clocks forward. As it happens Arizona and New Mexico are both on Mountain time, but Arizona does not using daylight saving time, so we left Arizona at 10.00 and arrived in New Mexico at 11.00. The drive again covered some very interesting desert country (no that is not a contradiction in terms, as most desert is interesting. Although “I-Spy something beginning with ‘T’” (trees) in the forest area gave way to “I-Spy something beginning with R’” (rocks) in the desert regions

First stop in NM is Zuni, the ancestral home of the Zuni Pueblo People. We stopped in the town and had an interesting time of learning at the visitor centre, as well as learning about the people we found out where we could get a cup of coffee/tea and also that the pueblo village was closed for private ceremonies, so we couldn’t see much here. Anyway we had a cup of coffee/tea and continued East to El Morro National Monument. Doesn’t look much on the map, but it is an amazing place. First of all the campground is free, we managed to get the last site that was big enough for our rig, so it was a good job we had set out early (compensating for the time loss across time zones).



El Morro - fab. I'm glad to see you've got us updated with your blogs, was missing reading where you are. Am now reminiscing and bringing up my old photos to remind me of these places.

fastrak100 said...

I have not digested the photos from El Morro yet, so will catch up on that today hopefully.