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In this blog you can read a complete record of the visits we have made to The United States since march 2007.
Each of our trips has its own blog site Blog site. However we have now brought them all together onto our main Blog Page.
Our last trip, with a current name: Road Blog Spring 2013 is now complete.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Oh Wow It's a Pow wow

Find our more about our Pow Wows using the tab to our Pow Wow Page
We left El Morro NM to drive North, hoping to reach Farmington, though it would be a longish drive for us. Our first stop was in Gallup, where we crossed Route 66 again. We were forced to stop for a coffee/tea at a small bakery called Glenns. I was forced to eat a huge apple fritter, fortunately Sally helped me out.
Driving on North we passed Ship Rock (the rock) and stopped in Ship Rock (the town) for our packed lunch, arriving in Farmington in reasonably good time and feeling fit enough to drive out to get a steak at the Texas Roadhouse up the road.
Farmington in New Mexico is right in the middle of Indian Country, although not on a reservation. We have come back to here (our last visit in April 2011 coincided with the Royal Wedding- William and Kate) to attend our first Pow Wow. It is being held indoors, in a large arena at the fairground. We of course have no idea what to expect!! The trailer is installed in the fairground, we are on one of 500 odd hookup sites, yes, we are the only trailer on the entire fairground. We have taken a nice spot down by the San Juan River, the same one that passes through Bluff and Gooseneck State Park
There is plenty of information about Pow Wows on the internet, but we feel we know nothing about the impending celebrations.



Oh I love Pow wows! I'm so missing all this but glad to hear it second hand. Have you never been to a pow wow before?


Ooops have just read your blog properly and see you are at your first - lucky you!